Hereditary Cancer Support
If you recently discovered that you have a predisposition to hereditary cancer and you are feeling overwhelmed, you have come to the right place. I commend you for seeking out support and facing your risk with knowledge, informed decision making and necessary tools to navigate this journey. I am extremely passionate about helping those impacted by genetic cancers, and understand the intricacies around the decision making process.
I specialize in providing compassionate support and guidance for individuals affected by the various gene mutations. I can help support you as you navigate the complex decisions around surveillance versus preventative surgeries, empowering you to make informed choices that align with your health and well-being.
In addition to individualized therapy, I am in the process of offering virtual support groups as well. When I initially discovered I was a BRCA carrier, I didn’t find support groups that suited my individual need. I firmly believe that healing can be fostered through connection with others who share similar experiences. If you are interested in hearing more information about the support groups being formed, please reach out.